Tuesday, April 24, 2012

Good Report

Thank you for your prayers! Just wanted to let you know that my doctor's office called to let me know that the breast ultrasound didn't show a mass or mastitis. They said it showed that my ducts are dilated and there is inflammation going on. I'll keep taking the antibiotic and go back for a follow up visit in May. They said at this time there isn't anything to be too concerned about.
I was thankful and relieved to hear this report. I don't know why I think I should be immune to a sickness. This experience was a humility check and a reminder that no one is immune to tragedy, heartbreak, illness...life. My mom always said while we were growing up, "Life isn't fair." I didn't really grasp the concept until I've gotten older and lived life...life happens and it's not fair. And although it's not fair, I'm learning that as each day brings circumstances that are unexpected and that take us by surprise, things that turn our world upside down, things that we may never understand, it also brings blessings and reasons to be grateful for how blessed we are...reasons to smile and just soak in the moment. I'm also learning that the more I seek God and the more I try to trust Him and hope in Him, then the more I'm filled with His peace and joy. I am truly joyful for this good report. I only pray that with each day to come, no matter what it presents, that I will stay close to Him and be overflowing with joy...with thankfulness...
Thank you for continued love and support!! You're a blessing to us!!! :)

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